Jumat, 18 September 2009

Jurnal Kesehatan

Health blog

Health Journal – Health News and Health Articles

~ Sources:
1. Husen Ahmad Bajry, M.D., Ph.D.
(Indonesian Holistic Tourist Hospital, http://www.holisticindonesia.com/)
2. Andrew Thomas Weil, M.D.
(Harvard University, http://www.drweil.com/)& Director of Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine
3. Senebian Medical School
(Kesehatan untuk Semua, http://sms-edu.blogspot.com/)

"Sing Cageur, Bageur, Bener, Pinter Singer jeung Ulah Galideur"
~Urang Sunda~
"Health inside, Fresh Outside, Success Ever side"

~ Abstract
Weil's general view is that patients do best utilizing both mainstream and alternative medicine. In general, he believes that mainstream medicine is well-suited to crisis intervention, and alternative medicine is best utilized for prevention and health maintenance.

He believes integrative medicine is an intelligent combination of both, and that the focus on healing should be on the body's own internal healing mechanisms and system. Nutrition, exercise, and stress reduction are emphasized in almost all of Weil's health works.

Weil acknowledged the influence of many individuals, philosophical and spiritual ideas, and techniques on his approach to alternative medicine. Among the individuals who strongly influenced Weil's professional and personal life is the late osteopath Robert C. Fulford, who specialized in cranial manipulation.

Perkembangan Pendidikan Kesehatan Holistic

Dewasa ini banyak organisasi-organisasi profesi dokter yang menyatakan diri beraliran holistic baik di dalam maupun di luar negri.

Pendidikan holistikpun berkembang pesat terutama di luar negri. Pabrik-pabrik farmasi banyak yang mulai memproduksi produk-produk fitofarmaka dan nutricional medicine. Ini semua menunjukkan bahwa kecenderungan untuk berfikir secara holistic mulai berkembang.

Walluhu al'lam bissawab.

Semoga Bermanfaat!

Ucapan Terima Kasih:

Orang tua tercinta, guru-guru dan semua teman serta sahabat terkasih. Semoga Kesehatan, Kesejahteraan dan Kebahagiaan selalu bersama selamanya, amin!

Khusus Kepada:
Mendiang Prof. Lawrence J. Henderson, M.D.
(Professor of Biological Chemistry in Harvard University) atas karya-karya ilmiahnya.

1. http://integrativemedicine.arizona.edu/
(Our commitment is to live the values of Integrative Medicine, thus creating a unique model for transforming medicine)

2. http://hst.mit.edu/index.jsp
(Integrating Science, Engineering, and Medicine to Solve Problems in Human Health)

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